Friday, 28 March 2014

men's winter fashion

With winter here in New Zealand fast approaching its time to start thinking about coats and hats and jumpers and scarves. I’m doing a rare post on men’s fashion here because there has been so much that I have seen here recently that is awesome for guys and its very rare for me to find good boyfriend buys or presents!

1.       DC Shirt $90.58

2. Globe Skate Shoes $90.63

3. Quicksilver Cord Shorts $33.00

4. RPM Coat $199.99

5. Quicksilver Straight Leg Jeans $113.00

6. Element t-shirt $39.99

7. Hurley Hat $25.00

8. RPM Jumper $149.90
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harmful beauty revisited

In July last year, I discovered that most beauty products, particularly the affordable ones you can buy on the high street, contain harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde, sodium sulphate and parabens that can cause all kinds of horrible illness’ and diseases. So I started a quest, to discover homemade substitutes for each beauty product I used. I must admit that at this point I was quite lazy with my beauty routine. I didn’t take great care of my hair and I hadn’t used toner or moisturiser on my skin in years. But I thought I would give it a go and see what I found.

Hair care
When I wrote my last post I had just started using my homemade shampoo made from water and bicarbonate of soda and my homemade conditioner made from water and honey. At first everything was going great. I couldn’t believe that my hair felt the same and I was using natural products on it! But after a few weeks everything started to change. I noticed that my long hair was breaking a lot easier than it had been, my split ends were getting worse and my hair felt very dry.  I went to get my haircut and my hairdresser asked me what shampoo and conditioner I was using. I was a bit scared at what she would say about me using homemade shampoo and conditioner so I told her my last shampoo. “You’ve got to stop using it!” She said to me. “Your hair is in such bad condition!” She washed my hair, cut all the split ends off and styled it. I could not believe how much better my hair looked! So much healthier! This was where I discovered the joys of Moroccan oil. As I was living in Australia at the time, I needed a product that would protect my hair from the Australian heat and this did just that plus so much more. I changed my shampoo straight away and the health of my hair improved immediately. I started using hair masks, which again I hadn’t done for years. Lo’s coconut oil and egg one is great, but I also find that a mashed up avocado with coconut oil does wonders for your hair too. If you insist on using a shop bought one, I love Aussie Miracles, which surprisingly I have never been able to buy in Australia! I still use my all natural coco dry shampoo though, made from half coco powder and half cornflour. It works and it’s homemade, so why not. Plus it leaves my hair smelling like chocolate. A couple of months ago I had 6 inches cut off my hair to help it grow better and so I didn’t have damaged hair. Now I am growing it again, but looking after it and getting regular trims.

I also tried out my own homemade skin products. After trying my own exfoliator made from coconut oil and bicarbonate of soda, which was just a bit too oily for my skin, I discovered the Neutrogena Naturals collection. No parabens, no sodium sulphate and no chemicals. I use the face wash every day, twice a day and the exfoliating scrub twice a week. I discovered this amazing recipe for a facemask that is made from a handful of strawberries and spoonful of sour cream. Blitz it up in the blender and put it on your face, it helps even out your complexion and reduce the appearance of scars. I promise you it will look amazing afterwards just not while it’s on your face. I have recently started using toner and moisturiser again as well. I found that the Olay Oil Reducing Toner works best for me and has barely any chemicals in it. Unfortunately it does contain alcohol but personally toners don’t seem to work on me unless they have alcohol in them. My new favourite moisturiser is Nude’s Oil Minimising Moisturiser.

Make Up
I spent most of June and July last year staying with a family who own an organic farm and beauty spa just outside of Byron Bay and they introduced me to health food stores and we had a great one down the road from us. Health food stores are a great source for natural ingredients to go into homemade products and most of them have a selection of natural beauty products as well, including makeup. It just so happened that in July most of my makeup needed replacing. So I went down to the local health food store and picked Lavera’s Long Lash Mascara and Lavera’s So Fresh Mineral Rouge Powder. I love both the

se products, they are not cheap but they are totally worth splashing out on, especially if you wear makeup every day. As I am much more tanned than I was when I bought my last foundation I thought it was about time to replace this as well and get something that was actually the same colour as my skin. I went for Nude by Nature’s Liquid Mineral Foundation, which has no parabens, no bismuth and no talc. It’s a great product and Nude do a whole range of amazing makeup products from primer to finishing veil and everything in between. I do indulge in some MAC products too though, and I’m booked in to a makeup tutorial with them next week where the cost is fully redeemable on products which I’m very excited about!

I have found that a good balance between homemade products and shop bought products is the best way to go. Remember that it’s what works best for you that you’ve got to stick to. I tend to have an oily t-zone so oil reducing natural products are great for me and I have found some awesome ones. But you might have normal skin and have found a great face mask but not exfoliator. The same goes for your hair too. You’re not always going to be able to find a recipe for something homemade that works for you, but you might be able to find a product with minimal chemicals in it that works great! Just remember to treat your skin and your hair well. 
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Thursday, 20 March 2014

harmful beauty

Did you know that your skin, just like your heart, your lungs and your kidneys is an organ? It is your bodies biggest organ and it protects us from all kinds of things. But it also absorbs everything that you put on it. You know when you do the washing up without gloves on, your skin absorbs the ingredients that are in the washing up liquid. When you cleaned the floor barefoot with some chemical, your skin absorbed the chemical through the bottom of your feet. These are just a couple of examples of things that we don't mean to be putting on our body. What about the things that we are putting on our bodies on purpose. The shampoo to help with your dandruff, the concealer to cover your spots and the moisturizer for your dry skin? Did you know that some of these products contain chemicals that are used in paints and explosives and these are finding their way into our beauty products. Some of these things can even cause cancer. Even the beauty products that are labeled as being organic or natural only need to contain one ingredient that is organic or natural and they can be labeled as such. I've learnt a lot about the things that I
put in my body and the products that I put on my body in the last few months which has lead me to take much more care in the products that I buy and use on my body. In some cases I've even started making my own beauty products from natural ingredients in order to avoid all the chemicals that go into everyday products like shampoo and conditioner. There are so many ingredients to avoid that it is difficult to pick out a product in a shop if you don't know what you are trying to avoid. Below is a list of ingredients that I try to avoid when buying any kind of product that is going to come into contact with my skin, including make-up. 
Ingredients to avoid:
Fragrance - Here I just mean the fake kind of fragrance, the ones that come from chemicals rather than something natural like tea tree oil or peppermint, if it just says fragrance the likely-hood is its a synthetically produced fragrance from a lab and when it says this, the company doesn't have to legally tell you what has gone into the fragrance 

Dibutyl Phthalate, Dimethyl Phthalate, and Diethyl Phthalate - also known as (DBP, DMP and DEP) - these are found in nail varnish, hair spray and some products that we put on our skin, and cause hormone disruptions.  
Diethanolamine - These cause foaming effects. Arguably these are safe in small doses but when they are in a lot of products that we use daily then the amount we use them can stack up quickly! So avoid anything that says Cocamide DEA, Cocamide MEA, DEA-Cetyl Phosphate, DEA-Oleth-3 Phosphate, Lauramide DEA, Linoleamide MEA, Myrjstamide DEA, Oleamide DEA, Stearamide MEA, TEA-Layryl Sulfate and Triethanolamine 
Coal-Tar Colours and Dyes - These are banned as they are a proven carinogenic but some do pass safety tests and are marked FD&C or D&C 
Formaldehyde and Formaldehyde Resin - This is the biggest one for me and it causes cancer. Its used because its a preservative but it is also used in paint and explosives as well as in hospitals to prevent bodies from decomposing. But is is used in nearly all nail varnishes and some of the ingredients in mascara break down to become formaldehyde which is why you should replace your mascara every 3 months. I had a love affair with a certain nail varnish for a few yearsuntil I found out that it was free from formaldehyde but not formaldehyde resin, and that ended that love affair.If you search for nail varnishes that are "5 free" on the internet you can find a list of all the companies whose nail varnish doesn't contain any of these harmful ingredients. My new favourite is Zoya.  
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate - also known as SLS and SLES, these are most commonly found in shampoos are are the things that causes it to foam. These can become carciogenic when combined with other ingredients and can also damage the immune system.Triethanolamnie - also known as TEA, again this has similar effects on the body as Sodium Lauryl Suflate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate! 
Propylene Glycol- This product has moisturizing capabilities but its also in anti-freeze and causes problems with some of your major organs. 
Aluminium - This is used in nearly all deodorants and antiperspirants as it plugs up sweat ducts. But it behaves like estrogen and can cause cancer. You can buy deodorants without aluminium in them just be careful which one you go for as some contain other ingredients from this list. 
Parabens - These often start with methyl-, ethyl, butyl- or propyl and are preservatives but they interfere with hormones.  

So I looked through all of my beauty products and found only a handful of products that didn't contain any of these ingredients, surprisingly two of them were my conditioner and dry shampoo. Apart from make-up, the products that contain these ingredients that concerned me the most were my shampoo and face wash. So I'm starting to use the "No Poo" technique that Lo talks about below as well as using coconut oil as a leave in conditioner or avocado as a hair or face mask. I decided that where possible, using natural products on your body is a much better way to go than using products that it is hard to tell where most of the ingredients are sourced from. The is a great place to go to find out just how harmful the ingredients that are in your products are, and they also tell you the top 3 and bottom 3 most harmful products, so if you need to buy a new mascara for example just go on there type in mascara and pick one from the least harmful list. My problem with this though is that so many products that are on the market these days contain harmful ingredients that it is difficult to know how far to go with this. Women have been putting products on their bodies for years and caking their faces in potentially harmful make-up since the early 1990s when it first entered the market.But it is hard to tell just how much harm these products are doing our bodies and we won't know the effects of these for years to come. My advice is try and avoid these ingredients at all costs and if you are going to buy beauty products, because lets face it, we are never going to stop wearing make-up or using products on our bodies, go for the ones with the smallest ingredients list and where you can, make your own.

Lauren Conrad's book Beauty has been extremely helpful to me while writing this article and an extremely eye opening read for anyone interested in beauty.
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